In 2024, The Alpha Iota Chapter started a Local Philanthropy Partner with the Arkansas Special Olympics.
The Gentlemen of Alpha Gamma Rho at the University of Arkansas are steadfast supporters of the U.S. Millitary with many of our members serving in the military before or after their time as a fraternity man. In picking a philanthropy, the members wanted to merge their common interest in agriculture with their support for the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces.
The Farmer Veteran Coalition does just that and has been the main philanthropy for our fraternity chapter. Their mission is to support and encourage any veterans that want to start and/or continue a career in Agriculture. We support the FVC annually with our Spring Chicken Wing Cook Off. Please click the Logo above to Learn more about the FVC.
Since 2016, Alpha Iota has raised over $30,000 for the Farmer Veteran Coalition. We would love it if you would attend our philanthropy events to help our Veterans!
2017 Wing Cook Off Article in National Fraternity Publication