Alpha Iota Chapter History

  • The Founding of the Alpha Iota Chapter 


    (Installed April 28, 1934)


    The AGR club, which was originally organized at the University of Arkansas in 1931, had as its purpose the bringing together of the men of Agrictulture into closer contact and to work toward the development of better agricultural leadership for students in the state.The AGR Club limited membership to students in the College of Agriculture with good character, scholarship, and qualities of leadership. In the fall of 1931, with a membership of 24, the club realized the necessity of purchasing a house so that the men could live together and better pursue agricultrual professions. Their first house was on old residence at 621 Leverett Street.


    In 1932, the AGR club hired a housemother and elected a Chapter Advisor Dean G. Carter, Professor of Agricultural Engineering. This was the period of the depression, and times were extremely hard. Most of the men worked many extra hours to keep up with their financial and educational needs. At that time, the monthly house bill was $17.50, which included meals, rooms, and social fees. In the fall of 1932 the AGR Club purchased a house at 310 University Avenue. On April 28, 1934 the AGR Club was granted a charter and became Alpha Iota Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Theta Chapter from the University of Missouri came down and officially installed Alpha Iota.